It’s that time of year again, when we look forward to communing with our friends and loved ones and sharing the years events. And this years past events sure have given us a lot to talk about.
First of all, in the past year + we lost some of our favorite people to illness. Chris Gaffney, Steve Bartell, Jeff Cranford - you will all be dearly missed. We’ve also seen other good friends go through tough medical times. Drac Conley is seeing the better side of his surgery for prostate cancer, with 5 post surgery screenings coming up negative (that’s good). Candye Kane holds good thoughts and continues with clean tests as well after fighting off a rare form of pancreatic cancer. Duane Jarvis has just gone through another surgery, but is back in LA ready to continue the battle. Please keep sending your good thoughts as he is prepares for chemo in the coming months. All are still trying to recover financially from past and present medical bills and lost wages.
With all of your help our fundraising event over Labor Day weekend to help with these medical needs was a huge success. We raised just over $30,000.00 in ticket sales, art sales and the raffle! Unfortunately, there is a dark side to this story in that Sam has not paid us all of the money that was raised from the advance ticket sales at Safari Sam’s. He still owes us $5,680. and has been slow to respond on this. Sam – PAY UP!
Anyway, back to a brighter note on the year’s events….
WE ELECTED A NEW PRESIDENT! With the Bush years nearly behind us, we can go with hope into 2009, and know that with our help, we could see a brighter future for our children. With our help and persistence, we will hopefully see some sort of new structure to our healthcare system so that in the future our friends won’t need to think about the financial ramification of getting sick. I know - I’m idealistic. But I’ll hold onto this thought as we stand behind our new President in pushing for change.
In the meantime! Let’s have a PARTY!
Copro Nason Art Gallery at Bergamont Station in Santa Monica has offered to continue the fundraising efforts of the Dog & Pony Show by hosting our annual holiday party this year! They have invited many great artists to show in the gallery and will donate proceeds of sales to The Dog & Pony efforts! This is such a huge help for us, as with the financial setbacks of the year, our party would not have been able to happen without their help.
So come join us for food, drink, great music by Joe Wood http://www.myspace.com/joewoodandthelonelyones, Champagne Velvet http://www.myspace.com/champagnevelvet and other surprise guests. Let’s end this year with some fun and look forward to a brighter New Year!
Where: Copro/Nason Gallery
Bergamot Station Art Complex,
2525 Michigan Ave. Unit T5
Santa Monica, CA 90404
When: Saturday, December 13, 8:00-12mid
A portion of the proceeds from this show will be donated to
“The Dog and Pony Show” http://www.musicmenagerie.net/dogandponyshow/. The music and art community is filled with talented people who share the plight of having no access to adequate healthcare. There is a national problem with our healthcare system and we all need to help each other in these dark times. All of the money donated will go directly to pay the bills of those who need assistance. We will also have a silent auction on some original work prints to directly benefit
"The Dog and Pony Show". The more money we raise the more people we can help.
Alex Garcia, Bad Otis Link, Bethany Marchman, Brandi Milne, Brian Viveros Brooke Kent, Charles Manson, Chet Zar, Chris Peters, Christopher Pugliese, Dan May, Dan Quintana, Delphia, Eric Fortune, Femke Hiemstra Jasmine Worth, Jeff Gillette, Jimmy Pickering, Keith Weesner, Kevin Scalzo KMNDZ, Kukula, Lauren Gardiner, Lola, Luke Chueh, Makiko Sugawa, Mari Inukai, Mark Covell, Martin Wittfooth, Michael Page, Naoto Hattori, Nathan Spoor, Peter Forystek, Tin, Ver Mar, Vince Cacciotti, XNO & more